Analoge Kampagne zum digitalen Ereignis

Verschiedene Entwurfsideen zur Großfläche (links), A1 Poster zur Wildplakatierung in drei Farbvarianten (rechts)
Various design ideas for billboards (left), A1 Poster for flyposting in three color variations (right)
Plakatierung zur Veröffentlichung der Single „Keine Maschine“ auf Snapchat
Billposting for the release of the single “Keine Maschine” on Snapchat
Kunde: Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Image campaign for the Snapchat event to introduce the first single “Keine Maschine” of the album “Immer noch Mensch” by Tim Bendzko on Snapchat. A1 posters, billboards and street fences created by squarevisuals.com were placed in the German cities of Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig and Cologne.
Client: Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

Ansicht der Druckdaten zum Streetfence groß (10m x 2m) und klein (10m x 1,7m)
Preview of the print data for Streetfence large (10m x 2m) and small (10m x 1.7m)
Musikmarketing, Grafikdesign
Music marketing, graphic design